22.02.13 - 22.02.13

Questions of Archaeology, Archive and Method in Visual Culture Studies

May 16, 2013

Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen
Room 548

11.15 Marquard Smith, "Theses on the Philosophy of History: The Work of Research in the Age of Digital Distributability"

What is it to conduct research in the second decade of the 21st century? What is the nature (or what are the modalities) of the work that we as researchers do? And, indeed, what work does research itself do?

12.15 Pauline Hoath, "Imagining and Imaging the Holy Land"

14.30 Nina Lager Vestberg, "Residual Archives"
The term "residual" was used by Raymond Williams (1982) to denote something which "has been effectively formed in the past, but is still active in the cultural process". In this paper I enlist the concept in order to explore the interface between analogue and digital photographic archives, and the economic apparatus which makes their content available for consultation, purchase and publication.

15.15 Joanne Morra, "The Archaeological Impulse: Uncovering a Museum Within a Museum"
There is an archaeological impulse at the heart of psychoanalysis. This impulse is manifest in Freud¹s avid collecting of over 2,000 artefacts and antiquities that constitute what John Forrester has called a remarkable “museum within the Freud Museum.” It is also manifest in Freud’s serious and enduring interest in archaeology as a discipline and as a fundamental metaphor for his understanding of the practice of psychoanalysis and the formation of the human subject. This presentation will consider site-responsive exhibitions in relation to Freud’s finding, excavating and curating the objects in his collection; his use of the collection within his therapeutic, writing, and thinking practices; and the ways in which the antiquities enable Freud to invent¹ the archaeological impulse within psychoanalysis.